After the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York on September 11th 2001, the world-renowned photographer Joel Meyerowitz felt compelled to visit the site, to document and record the aftermath of the largest ever attack on US soil. Although initially turned away by police (on the grounds that the site was a crime scene and could not be photographed), Meyerowitz was determined to gain …
The sixteenth president of the United States is regarded by many as the most courageous and diplomatic president during one of the most difficult times in American history. He was forced to deal with the secession of the southern states, the operations of the American Civil War and the antagonisms of political enemies in the North. Such a traumatic and momentous time called for a great leader, …
Buku ini ditulis untuk memperkenalkan budaya Islam Iran, yang setelah diteliti ternyata budaya Islam Iran memiliki beberapa kesamaan dengan kebudayaan Islam Indonesia. Buku ini cukup dijadikan panduan bagi pelancong yang akan mengadakan perjalanan ke Iran, salah satu negara tertua yang memiliki peradaban kuna, dan dapat dijadikan sumber rujukan untuk peneliti yang ingin mempelajari kebudayaan I…
One Hundred Unorthodox Strategies was compiled in the fifteenth century, during the Ming Dynasty, as a handbook of tactics based on Chinese military classics. Translated into English for the first time, this unique work draws on over two thousand years of experience in warfare to present a distillation of one hundred key strategic principles. Originally prepared as a text for students aspiring …
In 1938, when the Japanese arrived in Huan Hsu's great-great-grandfather Liu's Yangtze River hometown of Xingang, Liu was forced to bury his valuables, including a vast collection of prized antique porcelain, and undertake a decades-long trek that would splinter the family over thousands of miles. Many years and upheavals later, Hsu, raised in Salt Lake City and armed only with curiosity, moves…
Buku yang sangat indah ini adalah buah dari kunjungan Stefano Romano, seorang fotografer Italia, ke Indonesia. Setiap fotonya merekam denyut kehidupan masyarakat kampung Indonesia dan memancarkan cinta yang dirasakannya kepada orang-orang yang tinggal di sana, terutama pada anak-anak dan kaum wanita di kampung.
Simak perjuangan dan kegigihan Marissa Mayer yang dirangkum oleh tangan jeli Nicholas Carlson, koresponden senior Business Insider. Layaknya menaiki roller coaster, buku ini akan mengaduk-aduk dan membawa Anda turut merasakan sendiri perjuangan menyelamatkan sebuah bisnis jenis baru, dengan serangkaian cara yang tak disangka-sangka.