The ability to create and understand financial models that assess the valuation of a company, the projects it undertakes, and its future earnings/profit projections is one of the most valued skills in corporate finance. However, while many business professionals are familiar with financial statements and accounting reports, few are truly proficient at building an accurate and effective financia…
Written by a distinguished academics and practitioners selected and guided by CFA Institute, the world’s largest association of finance professionals, Economics for Investment Decision Makers is unique in presenting microeconomics and macroeconomics with relevance to investors and investment analysts constantly in mind. The selection of fundamental topics is comprehensive, while coverage of…
Salvatore’s International Economics provides information about fundamental institutions and relationships that affect quality of life, and provides a framework for thinking through and understanding the process of decision making. Furthermore, the text is designed as a primary text for an introduction to basic economics or principles of economics and offers a balanced presentation of macroeco…
The Lean Startup approach fosters companies that are both more capital efficient and that leverage human creativity more effectively. Inspired by lessons from lean manufacturing, it relies on “validated learning”, rapid scientific experimentation, as well as a number of counter-intuitive practices that shorten product-development cycles, measure actual progress without resorting to vanity m…
An entrepreneur is someone who discovers and provides for an unmet need by producing value for others in the community and for themselves. In short, entrepreneurs are both problem solvers and wealth creators. Creating and maintaining a culture that embraces entrepreneurship is critical to the long-term prosperity of our economy and our society. Entrepreneurship is an act of serving one’s s…
A global banking risk management guide geared toward the practitioner Financial Risk Management presents an in-depth look at banking risk on a global scale, including comprehensive examination of the U.S. Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review, and the European Banking Authority stress tests. Written by the leaders of global banking risk products and management at SAS, this book provides th…