This unique, go-to guide for designers fully details the essential layout and design skills needed to succeed in this competitive industry. With fun and practical application, it offers valuable insight into strategy and business when working in the real world with real clients, starting with basic information on layout principles before delving more deeply into theory and application on a proj…
Becoming a Graphic and Digital Designer is a single source guide to the myriad of options available to those pursuing a graphic design career. With an emphasis on portfolio requirements and job opportunities, this guide helps both students and individuals interested in entering the design field prepare for successful careers. Coverage includes design inspiration, design genres, and design educa…
Buku ini ditujukan kepada para desainer grafis memaparkan tentang bagaimana mendesain detil tata letak (lay out) dalam dunia komunikasi visual yang semakin kompetitif. Didalamnya mengulas tentang strategi dan bisnis, ketika bekerja di dunia nyata yang dimulai dengan informasi dasar tentang prinsip-prinsip lay out sebelum mempelajari teori dan aplikasinya pada sebuah proyek.
Buku ini ditujukan kepada para desainer grafis memaparkan tentang bagaimana mendesain detil tata letak (lay out) dalam dunia komunikasi visual yang semakin kompetitif. Didalamnya mengulas tentang strategi dan bisnis, ketika bekerja di dunia nyata yang dimulai dengan informasi dasar tentang prinsip-prinsip lay out sebelum mempelajari teori dan aplikasinya pada sebuah proyek.
Becoming a Graphic Designer provides a comprehensive survey of the graphic design market, including complete coverage of print and electronic media and the evolving digital design disciplines that offer today's most sought-after jobs. Featuring 65 interviews with today's leading designers, this visual guide has more than 600 illustrations and covers everything from education and training, desig…