The world of digital media is changing at a phenomenal pace. Constantly evolving technologies are transforming not just how we access our information but how we interact and communicate with one another on a global scale. Understanding Digital Marketing is a practical, no-nonsense guide to web marketing, the rules of new media and researching the new generation of digital consumers. Clear, info…
To start a successful business, you need a comprehensive toolbox full of effective financial and business techniques at your fingertips. Entrepreneurial Finance provides the essential tools and know-how you need to build a sturdy foundation for a profitable business. This practical road map guides you from crafting a meaningful business plan to raising your business to the next level. It offers…
Judul baku ini, MarkPlus on Marketing: The Second Gener8ion, memiliki dua makna. Pertama, buku ini berisi model- model generasi kedua MarkPlus yang sekaligus merupakan turunan dari model yang pertama yaitu Sustainable Market- ing Enterprise/Nine Core Elements of Marketing yang diciptakan oleh Hermawan Kartajaya. Kedua, buku ini berisi model dan pemikiran yang dihasilkan oleh para konsultan dan …
“The second edition of the Handbook of Strategic Public Relations and Integrated Marketing Communications is very impressive in its coverage of trends, tools, industries, and challenges. Every marketer needs to have a copy.”
Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital is the much-needed handbook for next-generation marketing. Written by the world's leading marketing authorities, this book helps you navigate the increasingly connected world and changing consumer landscape to reach more customers, more effectively. Today's customers have less time and attention to devote to your brand―and they are surrounded …
Now in its fourth edition, the hugely successful Emarketing Excellence is fully updated; keeping you in line with the changes in this dynamic and exciting field and helping you create effective and up-to-date customer-centric e-marketing plans. A practical guide to creating and executing e-marketing plans, it combines established approaches to marketing planning with the creative use of new …
Buku ini menceritakan kisah-kisah menarik tentang bagaimana 25 bisnis digital yang terkenal dan sukses didirikan dari nol. Berdasarkan penelitian yang luas dan akses eksklusif ke pendiri ke perusahaan, mengungkap pasang surut perjalanan masing-masing perusahaan.
This self-study guide covers all marketing topics which would be included in an MBA programme. It is especially designed for busy marketing executives who do not have the time to spend on a full-time course. It explores marketing concepts, tools, research and strategies.
Today’s marketing challenge is to create vibrant, interactive communities of consumers who make products and brands a part of their daily lives. To help students understand how to create value and gain loyal customers, Principles of Marketing presents fundamental marketing information in a comprehensive format, organized around an innovative customer-value framework.